
Draft ROPA 49 Maps

ROPA 49 maps – Draft Regional Official Plan Amendment 49 (ROPA 49) helps define how and where Halton will grow by implementing the Integrated Growth Management Strategy. It is the second Amendment to be considered by Regional Council as part of the Regional Official Plan Review (ROPR) and builds on the Regional Urban Structure defined by ROPA 48.

Peel 2051 Regional Official Plan

Download the Peel Regional Official Plan. A September 2021 Office Consolidation and associated mapping has been prepared to reflect recent decisions on Regional Official Plan Amendments 30, 32, 33 and 34.

Draft Schedule A4 Urban Community Map - Caledon

Draft Schedule A4 Urban Community map – The Town of Caledon is creating a new Official Plan – a road map for the next 30+ years, named Future Caledon. This map will help to show where and how The Town of Caledon plans to expand and develop moving into the future.

Durham Region Schedule A Regional Structure map

The new Official Plan contains policies and maps, which guide the type and location of land uses in the Region to 2031. Land use categories are displayed on the maps, while the policies describe the Region’s goals for these categories, and the type of information the Region requires to evaluate land uses changes.

Barrie New Official Plan maps

City of Barrie Council will consider enacting a new Official Plan By-law on March 7, 2022. Once the By-law has been enacted, the adopted version of the new Official Plan will be made available

Simcoe County Official Plan map

The goals of the County of Simcoe and its Planning Department are to guide the growth and development of the County of Simcoe, to conserve important natural and cultural resources, and to facilitate the provision of efficient municipal services, all with the objective of enhancing the quality of life for County citizens.